Future Weather Files: Thermal Modelling in a Changing Climate
Thermal Modelling in a Changing Climate
Educating the Engineers of the Future
Dr Owen Connick to lead a workshop on applications of fluid mechanics in the built environment at Imperial College London.
Breathing Buildings Head To Glasgow With CIBSE Scotland
Natural And Hybrid Ventilation seminar delivered for CIBSE Scotland by Breathing Buildings.
Breathing Buildings’ takes centre stage at CIBSE Build2perform Live 2017
Breathing Buildings to present a seminar at the CIBSE Build2Perform Live
Breathing Buildings’ ventilation design helps Bloomberg HQ beat BREEAM record
Bloomberg European Headquarters
New Summer Placement Students
Breathing Buildings to support Cambridge University by taking on two undergraduate students to join us for 10 weeks summer placement.
CABE 2017
Breathing Buildings gave a talk at the Chartered Association of Building Engineers South West Regional Conference.
Opinion piece in CIBSE Journal
Breathing Buildings discusses how engineers need to think strategically to understand how sub-systems interrelate.
Brexit- a CEO’s Perspective
It is hard to refute the overwhelming declarations by learned economists before the referendum that Brexit would be bad news for the UK economically.
Breathing new life into building design
Breathing Buildings discusses views on the key success factors to building a business which is high growth and funded by Venture Capitalists.