Government Publish New Building Regulations

Breathing Buildings  welcomes the new changes to Part L and F Building Regulations alongside the entirely new Overheating approved document O as a vital step towards providing good indoor air quality on the road to Net Zero, including additional ventilation when carrying out energy efficiency measures in existing buildings.

The changes to the Building Regulations, which were released by the Government on 15 December 2021, set the standards in England for the design, construction and alteration of buildings and will see all new homes and buildings produce significantly less CO2 emissions to help the country deliver on climate change ambitions.

The new regulations will come into effect from 15 June 2022.

Arrangements are in place for the six month transitional period before the new regulations come into force, which mean that if full plans, initial or building notices for building works are submitted to a local authority before 15 June 2022, then as long as the building work commences by 15 June 2023, work on that individual building is permitted to continue under the previous standards.

The new Building Regulations approved documents can be found here:

·         Approved Document L, volume 1: dwellings

·         Approved Document L, volume 2: buildings other than dwellings

·         Approved Document F, volume 1: dwellings

·         Approved Document F, volume 2: buildings other than dwellings

·         Approved Document O covering overheating (New)

Further information on the new Building Regulations can be found on the Government website:

Breathing Buildings