Breathing Buildings Showcased At Cleantech Growth Event

                           Breathing Buildings Showcased At Cleantech Growth Event

Shaun Fitzgerald, CEO and founder of Breathing Buildings, is supporting Cambridge Cleantech by giving the showcase case study at 5pm on 17 January 2018 to tackle the question of how to move your business from start-up to scale-up. The event is at the office of Taylor Wessing in Cambridge and is a forum for investors and successful growth companies to share their stories and lessons learned regarding the growth journey.

Cambridge Cleantech

Breathing Buildings is a Cambridge-based example of cleantech success; a spin out from Cambridge University research which was venture capital-backed in the early years and now part of a plc delivering low energy, cleantech ventilation solutions to the industry at scale. The company has not only been a success in its’ own right, but has helped transform the industry as a whole. Low level inlet ventilation dampers with pre-heaters, which are profligate energy consumers, were prevalent before the emergence of Breathing Buildings. They are now simply a rarity because the cleantech solutions offered by Breathing Buildings are much greener – so much so that industry standard guidelines for ventilation have evolved and state that inlet air should be tempered with internal heat gains, ahead of actually using heater batteries to do the job.

Join us on 17 January 2018 to listen to the ‘inside track’ from finance experts and about the lessons learned from Breathing Buildings. Shaun will not only talk about engineering technology development but also the strategic aspects of buildings a business such routes to market, fund-raising, and how the company structure has to evolve with the growth of businesses.

For more information, please visit:

Breathing Buildings